Monday, April 16, 2012

The Duggars

We met the Duggars... This past weekend we went to an out of town event and there was a boy there wearing a cowboy hat. My daughter kept saying, look at that boy, I think he's a Duggar and I think they are here.

I thought for a while that it might be the Duggars too but then when I saw the boy in the face, I said there's NO way that's a Duggar, he looks nothing like a Duggar...LOL.

On Saturday we went for ice-cream and my daughter said, mom, there's that boy. He was getting out of a big van with lots of other people. I said, I'm going to go find out if that's the Duggars.

I walked up to the ones still getting out of the van and started saying, We've just GOT to ask, my daughter thinks you guys are the...low and behold right then the mom turned around and it was...the Duggars. I probably freaked her out but grabbed Michelle Duggar and gave her a great big hug and let her know how much we love watching their show and how much of an inspiration they are.

This picture is from Saturday night when we ran into them again.

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