Thursday, September 10, 2009

Let the school year begin

Well - on Tuesday we started homeschooling for our 5th - I can't believe we've been doing this for 5 years. Some of the things that I REALLY like about homeschooling are that Heather gets to sleep in and starts school when she's finished her chores and has breakfast. Some of the things I oft times don't like about homeschooling are when she doddles and doesn't do her work diligently.

Thankfully, though it's only been 2 days, Heather has been VERY diligent in getting started on her school work and working through her day. She has a girls devotion that she is reading that covers each day of the year, she is doing a bible study on Truth, we are doing My Father's World "Creation to Greeks" curriculum this year which covers bible, social studies and science, Teaching Textbooks for Math, Switched on School house for Language Arts and Crayola Expressions PC art curriculum for art.

We'll be looking for someone to teach her violin and will be attending nature walk activities on Wednesday and My Father's World Co-op classes on Friday's.

I pray this year proves to be our best year yet and ask the Lord to lead and guide us through anything challenges that might come our way.

1 comment:

Sawdust Girl said...

Good idea with the sharpie on the washer and dryer. My 11 year old does her own laundry too. OK, I came over to answer your question because I couldn't find your email address to reply. I have lots of words of advice for first time cabinet builders. It's just so hard to get it out. It has to be done with pictures and I am really trying to get out some tutes but I'm trying frantically to finish up a project before school gets out. I'm going to try to get out a "basics" post soon. I promise.

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